Go Organic!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

The term, organic farming refers to an environmentally friendly and health-supportive method of farming and processing foods. Weeds and pests are controlled using environmentally sound practices that sustain our personal health and the health of our planet.

The term organic applies to both animal and plant foods. The production of organic foods does not use pesticides or synthetic (or sewage-based) fertilizers for plant materials and hormones and antibiotics for animals, does not allow genetic engineering or the use of radiation, and emphasizes the utilization of renewable resources as well as conservation of land and water.

Organic Farming Methods

As organic farmers do not use chemicals in an environmentally harmful manner they need to farm using a blend of old and new technologies and scientific advancements to improve upon their craft. Where commercial farmers use pesticides and soil additives organic farmers use techniques such as rotating crops between fields, which prevents pests from building up and improves soil fertility, and planting certain flowers and bushes, which attract certain insects and ward off unwanted pests.

Organic farming prohibits the use of many substances present in commercial farming, including most synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, genetic engineering, growth hormones, and artificial ingredients.

Organic production is managed with the intent to integrate cultural, biological and mechanical practices to promote ecological balance and biodiversity. Practices help to protect the soil, groundwater, provide health promoting conditions for animals and ultimately help promote the health of the consumer.

Why organic foods are considered better for our health?

Research into organic foods is still in its infancy, while there have been many tests, trials and studies the health benefits of organic compared to commercial foods are still considered questionable by the scientific community as a whole. The research that has been conducted has co! nvinced thousands of people that an organic lifestyle is far better for us in the long run. Common sense more than scientific proof tells us that pesticides, hormones and artificial additives are indeed bad for us. If the old adage ?you are what you eat? is true most would prefer to go organic than to be consuming substances that are undoubtedly highly unnatural and harmful to our bodies if taken in large quantities. There is certainly a need for more quality research into the nutritional content of organic food and its effect on consumers. With more research the food industry can make more confident statements about organic food.

What we do know is that organic foods contain higher levels of certain vitamins and nutrients and lower levels of toxins. Research has confirmed that conventional produce has only 83 percent of the nutrients of organic produce. Studies have found significantly higher levels of nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Certain essential nutrients have been found to be more prevalent in organic foods such as Chromium, a chromium deficiency is associated with adult diabetes as well as the hardening of arteries, and Selenium, which protects us against certain cancers and heart disease, was found to be an astounding 390% in organic foods.

Lithium, which is used to treat depression, and Boron, which has been proved to help prevent osteoporosis are more prevalent in organic compared to commercially farmed produce. With all of this information it is easy to see why people are of the opinion that certain diseases can be prevented by eating certain types of food. Apart from all of these benefits of organically grown food the pesticides in commercially grown produce can have many negative healthy effects including disruptions of the endocrine system, immune system suppression and carcinogenicity (cancer-causing). Pesticide exposure has been linked to malfunctions of the reproductive system as well as miscarriages.

The health benefits of an organic lifestyle ar! e more t han sufficient to prove that organic foods promote your body?s well being for the rest of its life span ? why not take preventative steps today than suffer in years to come?

A New Era

There are a variety of reasons people choose from organic foods. Many are concerned with the ill treatment of the environment and animal welfare which organic foods promote. Others believe that is safer in the long run because of the absence of chemical residues, whilst others believe that it tastes better and has a higher nutritional content which makes for improved health. Whatever the reasoning it is undeniable that organic foods are making a huge impact on the food industry. Farmers markets and organic stores are beginning to see a surge in business and food retailers are beginning to stock more and more organic produce.

We live in an era where environmental and health consciousness is the name of the game and organic is the buzz word!

The ground breaking Channel 4 TV show, You Are What You Eat hosted by acclaimed holistic nutritionist Gillian McKeith, is taking Britain by storm. Advocating the benefits of healthy foods, especially of the organic variety, the show is educating viewers on the necessary steps to take in order to live a happier and healthier lifestyle.


Mesothelioma Lawsuits Road To Justice For The Unfortunate Victims

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

What are mesothelioma lawsuits and how do they arise?

Mesothelioma lawsuits are filed by the victims of mesothelioma to avail reparations for medical expenses, pain & suffering and loss of income associated with the growth of this disease. Mesothelioma is a kind of cancer, which is inflicted by exposure to asbestos most frequently used in industrial and residential places till the late seventies. The numbers of mesothelioma victims were on the rise as the employers continued using these hazardous materials despite knowing the harmful consequences of them. Thus the poor workers, who were ignorant of the potential health risks that they were about to confront, were the unfortunate victims.

In case the victim dies there is a provision that one of the family members or the executor of his estate can file the lawsuit. On the other hand a family member who has contracted the disease from the victim of mesothelioma can also file a lawsuit.

Thus, if an individual is victimized owing to the negligence of another person, he has absolute right to take legal actions in the court of law for compensation. An individual needs to first consult with an attorney who deals with asbestos litigation and on his discretion the victim can file the suit.

How long does the process take and what are the end results?

These lawsuits tend to be cumbersome and longwinded. It could also stretch to years even to reach any settlement. Again all lawsuits are not necessarily longwinded; some of them take lesser time. However, in some of the cases the victims receive negligible amount of money, most of which are used to meet the lawyer?s and the court?s expenses. Nevertheless victims of mesothelioma should exhibit their rights and fight for their compensation. Again, mesothelioma lawsuits are generally settled out of court before they are set for trail. This actually makes more sense because it curtails court expenses for both the parties.

What can you do if you are uncertain about exposure to asbestos! ?

If you don?t know where and when you were exposed to asbestos, you should speak to your lawyer who will help you out. The lawyer may possibly hire a professional investigator who can make the necessary investigations so as to find out where the exposure had occurred and who are the ones that can be held responsible.

How much do you have to pay?

Factually, you need not pay unless and until you receive your compensation. It is only then that your lawyer shall take a percentage out of the compensation as his remuneration.

How much can you expect as compensation?

Well it depends on how creditable your case is. You will find that past settlements amounted to quite a ransom. But in the recent past with the subsequent increase in the number of mesothelioma lawsuits, there is a sleek chance to realize the entire amount.

The history of mesothelioma lawsuits

According to U.S mesothelioma history, the first ever mesothelioma lawsuit was filed in 1966 against the careless use of asbestos. But unfortunately the verdict went against the case. For the second time, another suit was put forward for a co-worker and this time the case was won. This gave impetus to all those helpless victims who craved for justice as innumerable mesothelioma lawsuits cropped up simultaneously.

Mesothelioma lawsuits also tells us that how ignorant people were initially about the causes and the aftereffects of the deadly disease. But now with the intervention of the law firms the victims of mesothelioma are provided with all-round assistance as regards lawful solutions to their righteous problems.


The Easy Diet Patch Facts for Weight Loss

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

The diet patch claims to work via transdermal delivery of chemicals that are created to suppress the appetite, increase metabolism or keep your body from absorbing fats in the food you eat. Transdermal delivery is viable and works because some molecules are so small they can be absorbed through the skin and directly to the blood stream. Up to 95% percent of a drug can reach the body's cells in this manner compared to a much smaller amount if a drug is taken orally.

It's important to remember that what makes the idea of a patch delivery system work is that the molecules in the drug must be small enough to be absorbed by the skin. Diet Patches contain the usual weight loss ingredients, caffeine, chromium, and hydroxycitric acid amongst other dieting chemicals.

Many marketers go overboard in touting the effectiveness of diet patches, in the process making outrageous promises and some have recently been sent to jail for using spam in their mass marketing campaigns. It's important to remember that diet patches contain the same ingredients as other delivery systems of weight loss products.

It's just that the diet patch can make it easier for the wearer to remember to take the diet products they are using. They don't have to worry about taking a bunch of pills before every meal and possibly be questioned by others about what the pills are for. Diet patches are a more discreet method of delivery for weight loss products and can deliver low doses of the drug over a continuous period of time. You should continue with your exercise program while using diet patches in addition to making good meal choices.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette, and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Here is a place for more info and great deals on the diet patch.


The Crucial Connection Between Hormones and Acne

วันอังคารที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

The cure is in the cause - Ruza Bogdanovich

After a cause of acne has been established, a cure is possible if that cause can be eliminated.

That cause has now been discovered. It isn't bacteria which was one of the main theories. Although acne is a pefect environment for bacteria, it wasn't the initial cause.

Anyone with or who has had acne can tell you, including myself, how many times a day they've cleaned their faces with anti-bacterial facial wash and still faced new pimples the next day.

The same goes for all the other topical creams for acne available which kill germs and open up blocked pores. These may provide temporary relief, but you will never experience acne free skin by only focusing on acne from the outside.

The real, and true causes of acne are hormone imbalance, water retention and toxins.

In this article I will cover hormone imbalance.

Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands in the body and circulate in the bloodstream that control numerous body functions including sebum (skin oil) production and regulation.

The hormones that are responsible for acne are called androgens. These androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands (glands in the skin that secrete oil to the surface of the skin.)

When you have too many androgens in the blood, your sebaceous glands begin to over-produce oil in the skin. It is not only oil that will cause acne but It's the initial problem you want to resolve.

The next part of the problem is toxins in the blood and lymph. When your liver and kidneys are not properly cleansing the blood and are overloaded, the liver is unable to properly 'deactivate' used hormones and remove them from the body.

The combination of oil, bacteria and toxins blocks pores. Inside the blocked pores also are bacteria which grow in a low-oxygen environment. This bacteria aggrevates the skin and causes an inflammatory disease, otherwise known as acne.

Hormone imbalance doesn't only cause acne, but can be responsi! ble for many other problems including: allergies, fatigue, headaches, mood swings, anger and insomnia.

For most teenagers, hormone imbalance occurs during puberty when the body is busy producing hormones for growth, maturity and reproduction.

Adult acne predominately arises from the inability of the liver and kidneys to effectively eliminate excess hormones and toxins from the blood.

In order to cure your acne you have to be able to get your hormones into balance by feeding your body the key nutrients that aid hormone regulation in the glands and also strengthen the liver which is the other hormone regulatory system.

Both of these are possible and pave the way for clear, smooth skin without zits, blackheads or whiteheads.


To effectively treat your acne, you need to fix the problems in your body that are causing your acne. Acuzine is a great product that attacks the main, internal causes of acne.


Exercise Resistance! The Secret Barriers that Prevent Weight Loss

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Getting started on an exercise program is one thing. Staying on it is the bigger challenge. We have all been there. New Years Eve comes around and wham! Instant motivation! It is only a small percentage however that sticks with it. Why? When you hear the term exercise resistance you of course think of strength training with weights, don't you? Well, it can also mean something else.

The phrase, Exercise Resistance or ER was coined in the mid 90's. It means, a conscious or unconscious block against participating in a regular active program. Studies show that some people have barriers built up from past experiences that give them a negative mindset toward exercise and food. This prevents a person from starting or following through on a fitness or diet program. This is more of an emotional feeling that controls a behavior more than anything.

I thought the golden years were supposed to be filled with relaxing things to do, not more activities I usually put off before? Have you ever just resented having to exercise now that you are older? Why should I start exercising? I will not follow through-never have. It will be just another failure of mine? Or how about not starting to exercise because you have a fear of failure? My favorite; why does Jane look like she does and I have to work so hard at it? It does not seem fair! Have you ever compare yourself to your youth or your best friend?

Each one of them; resentment, fear of failure, comparisons are barriers you build up only to at some point sabotaging your desire to feel good and get in better shape.

The answer to overcome these barriers is three fold. First, figure out HOW you are motivated. Second, WHERE your desires come from. And third, come to an understanding that these barriers are only illusions you have fabricated in your mind. THEY ARE NOT REAL! The bottom line is, until you work on your approach to weight loss and fitness, the numbers on the charts will not stick.

Click here for FREE Mini Course ==> http:/! /www.res olutions.bz Discover the five step common sense way to lose weight. A formula the medical and fitness industry DO NOT want you to know about! Greg Ryan is a well known author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT, book series.


Scooter or Power WheelchairWhich One is Right for You?

วันพุธที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

When I talked to my physical therapist about possibly getting an electric mobility scooter (I have Periodic Paralysis and too much walking can trigger an attack), she automatically recommended a power wheelchair. ?Wheelchairs are much better in-doors,? she said. ?You?ll have a place to rest your arms, and all you?ll need to move to control the chair is one little joystick.? She said that most wheelchairs have better seats and are upgradeable. ?Insurance will usually only pay for one chair or scooter every five years,? she said, ?So you need to consider not just your current needs, but what you might need five years from now.?

So, after all that, why did I buy a scooter? My disease varies from day to day, but is not especially progressive. I need a scooter that can be with me (in the trunk of my car) at all times, rather than a chair that might one day need enough power to run a breathing machine. Since there was a good chance insurance would refuse to pay for my chair, I also need mobility equipment I could afford on my own.

At the same time, my physical therapist was absolutely right about a joystick being easier to control than handlebars, but I?m doing okay with a tiller. She was also right that wheelchairs are better than scooters for tight in-home conditions. However, since I will mostly use my scooter to avoid long walks at stores, malls and parks, in-home use isn't a big issue for me.

My choice was a scooter. What?s the best choice for you? It depends on you, your needs, your prognosis and your budget. You need to take your time, try both and consider not just the technology, but how you are going to fit it into your lifestyle; then you?ll make the right choice for you.

About the Author Rodney Robbins has a rare myopathy called Periodic Paralysis, nasty migraines and Celiac Disease (an autoimmune reaction to eating grains). He uses a travel scooter to protect his muscles from damaging exercise, and good old fashion carb counting to help reduce attacks of weakness. My fav! orite mi graine preventives are dark sunglasses and avoiding my triggers, says Robbins. Check out his new booklet at http://www.Rodneys52Ways.com for more information, humor, articles and cartoons.


Skin Cancer and Your Responsibility

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

Early treatment of skin cancer is the way to prevent death and generally most all skin cancers can be treated and or cured. Malignant Melanoma is the big killer, but if it is caught early it too is usually curable. There are three major types of skin cancer as per the Center for Disease and Control (CDC); ?The three major types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.?

If you have light skin and light features such as blond hair, red hair, blue or green eyes, or light skin you are much more susceptible to skin cancer than other folks. But also consider if you work outside all your life, then you will be at risk too. For Melanoma the most deadly type of skin cancer if not treated can be rather obvious to doctors as it will be non-symmetrical and have multiple shades of dark spots;


Skin cancer is your responsibility and luckily due to early treatment the number of people who have die from skin cancer is a lot less than it use to be. If you have had people in your family who have had skin cancer it makes sense to have your skin spots checked out to make sure that they are not cancerous. If have had really bad sun burns as a child you maybe more susceptible in later life and another reason to pay a little more attention to your skin. Please remember with skin cancer it is your responsibility and early detection means extremely good chances of successful treatment or cures. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow